Monday, July 4, 2016

In Memory of Sherry Bando

Valyrie, a grandaughter of Camp a Whiles' Cutting Buck

It has been too long that I have not posted here and for many reasons that I will not get into now, but I have a mission to carry out and Sherry Bando appointed me to it. 

Cutty Dark, a son of Cuttin Buck

In honor of this great woman who inspired me and took time to talk to me and teach me, I am going to start telling it like Sherry did and in her honor, I will pass two Sherry Bando gems to you now: 
1. As a puppy when raising them up, keep these dogs out of harms way for about 2 years because they are so high performance breed(and confrontational) that they often do not survive long as a hog dog or cow dog otherwise. 

2. Unless we recognize and respect that the dogs are not only smarter than we think, (they are smarter than us! But don't tell anyone I said that! Yes, Miss Sherry.) we will not get 100% performance out of these high performance bred working dogs. 

It was Sherry Bando who first encouraged me to write the book on Catahoulas that has yet to be published. In her honor, and to her credit for spending many hours on the phone sharing her wisdom of breeding and properly raising Catahoula pups, I must fulfill her vision of giving the dogs the credit they deserve by telling their story. 

If I can call myself a true dog man today, it is in large part due to Sherry Bando being a true dog woman, who recognized a spiritual kinship that I had with these dogs and for being my friend for 20 years. 

the theme of the book briefly;
 For those who have known these great dogs and why they do what they do as working dogs, we all know that there is no greater love than to lay your life down for your friends. 

Below is a letter from my friend Jake to Miss Sherry just a few weeks before she went home to the Lord.    

Jake thank you, I could not have said it better.

Jake Loiacano to Sherry Bando
Being a cowboy and having working dogs has been as big of a part of my life as anything I've ever done.

 I've been from coast to coast, as far north as Missouri, and down to south Texas all because I ran dogs. I never really learned a trade except for being a cowboy and a dog man. In all those travels I've met thousands of people but few as special as other dog men. 

When I got into the field trial scene everyone stayed at a distance no one really mingled or mixed up with each like they do today. In them days everyone had their own camp and that is where they stayed there wasn't much fellowship or visiting at all. 

About a year or so of going to bayings and never really meeting anyone other than who we came with we met you. You were the first person outside of our circle to be our friends. I'll never forget the day we met.

 We were in Union Hill, Louisiana you were as charismatic and genuinely as nice a person as we had ever met in that business and you started a friendship that day that you'll have for as long as I walk this earth. You had stories about going to Georgia and competing against all these high powered dogs and winning when you were the only woman there.

 I remember everything you talked about in your experiences competing and it fascinated me to know end and I hung on every word. Eventually it lit a fire under me to go to Georgia too and I met some of the best people in the business of whom I'm still friends with today. 

To me you were a trend setter in that aspect you didn't care what other folks did or thought you did what you wanted, befriended who you wanted and did what you thought was right and being friends with folks as you competed against them was your style. You weren't into the good ol boy systems you put it all out in the open.

 You are also a dog breeder unlike most of the others. (This part is going to step on some toes) I had heard all these tall tales about Catahoula dogs from days past and all these high powered pedigrees but none of those people put their money where their mouth was... YOU DID.

 Most folks selling puppy's didn't even compete they sold dogs based on what they did one time long ago.... NOT YOU. You ran your dog at every trial. He was your lead dog everyone knew it and they didn't have to read his papers to learn about him you actually competed with him which no one else really did because they were afraid of losing to non-registered dogs and maybe their puppies wouldn't be as valuable. 

Your dogs spoke for themselves by the way they worked not by a sales pitch. I've had two camp-a-while dogs in my time and at their prime they were the best in the business even if it was a short run because they both left this earth too soon. I now have my third Camp-a-While dog and I named her QUEEN in honor of you the First Lady in hog baying. You are by far the most influential woman this sport has ever seen and no one else comes close. 

This business is tough and folks don't normally last but a few years but like Donna Gaudet Whipple said you're still here for a reason. You did things right and didn't cross anyone, you were honest to a fault sometimes, but that is what made you, you. I remember sitting in the bleachers at Uncle Earls one year and some guy said something about a group of dog MEN and he included you in that group. 

Another lady took offense to his comment and said something to you along the lines of aren't you offended by him calling you a "dog man" you just laughed in her face and said "hell no that's the best complement he could've given me". 

You will always be remembered by all the great dog men including this one. You are one of a kind,  Me, mom, and dad love you. We pray for your comfort and that you may rest easy. Please call anytime if you feel like talking..... again thanks for being my friend.

Catahoula Cur, The Louisiana Cattle Dog

The article below was written by Shawn Champagne and edited by Marcus de la Houssaye

The Louisiana Cattle Dog
I haven't written an article in a while. And, against my better judgement, just awaiting the arrival of a message from someone, jumping at the chance to tell me how great their 'pot lickin pooch' is, I felt compelled to do a short write-up on this incredible Catahoula Cur breed.
I received a message from a Facebook friend in Colorado, asking me what a Catahoula Cur dog was, and, "why we used such a strange unpopular breed to herd cattle. Especially when there are so many 'better' breeds of dogs 'You Guy's' could be using." 
I couldn't help but laugh. And yes, my feathers got a little ruffled... 
But, Bless her lil ole' heart... "Forgive them Oh' Lord, for they know not what they speak." 
I've actually gotten to the age where I enjoy seeing people who "think" they know better, put their foot in their mouths. 
Shawn Champagne and his cow penning crew

Probably the very reason why I don't openly give advise on Horses or Cattle, unless asked. I've learned just enough to be dangerous. So, for the record, I am by no way shape or form, a dog expert.

I am merely jotting down my personal experiences and what I've learned from men, whom are highly experienced experts. I am in NO WAY, criticizing other breeds.I have a passion for all working dogs, especially hunting class Labrador retrievers.

The Louisiana Catahoula Cur working dog is known by many names. Cur Dog, Blackmouth Cur, Catch Cur, Catahoula Leopard Cur and the list goes on.

Surprisingly, little is known about the actual breeding history and blood line of these magnificent canines.

                                                                      de la Houssaye's Luke Skywalker

                                                                           de la Houssaye's Bijeaux

 de la Houssaye's Cutty Dark

Some say It dates back to when Hernando DeSoto explored Louisiana in the 1500's. That the Choctaw Indians dogs bred with DeSoto's Prized Greyhounds. I've heard tell, that it was the French explorers Beauceron (Boo-Sha-Rawn, in Cajun speak) herding dogs, bred with the-all but extinct ~ Louisiana Red Wolf.

Louisiana Red Wolf

 The modern Louisiana Catahoula Cur is a 3 way cross between Desoto's bull dogs, greyhounds and the native  Red Wolf

The word Catahoula comes from two Indian words. ("Khata", meaning Big water or Lake) and ("Hullo", meaning Loved one or Beloved) 

The average weigh of a Catahoula Cur dog varies between 50-120 lbs. Different weight are used in different applications. 

NALC reg. C Arrow Patch

Such as hog hunting or cattle dogs. The Breed was adopted as the Louisiana State Dog in 1972. 

They are officially recognized by the AKC and can fetch quite a high price for a good proven Sire or Gyp. Either way, anybody who is really working cattle for a living in the South, gives two cow patties about what some AKC comfortable, soft shoe wearing snob, thinks anyway!
                                     My firsthand knowledge with these dog has ruined me beyond all measure. 

I have worked livestock, mostly cattle, in Europe, Mexico and all over the United States. and NEVER, have I seen the versatility, endurance, toughness and outright ballet of rampage, combined in one four legged package, as I have in the Louisiana Catahoula Cur. 

I've worked with, Austrailian Heelers, Aus Shepherds, Kelpie's, Stumpy's, Koolie's, Plot Hounds, Lancashire's, Beauceron's, McNab's, Basque's and Border Collie's. 

                         But, no herding, penning, and true warrior has blown me away, such as the Catahoula Cur. 

de la Houssaye's Frank

I will concede to the Border Collie,as being number one on my intelligence scale, and the Heeler a close second.
Each of the dogs I've listed, and had the pleasure to see work, has its geographical place. (Yes, I get it!!!) 

             A Border Collie, (which I'm passionate about) would not last ten minutes working in the alligator infested, 
                                         salt-water, coastal marsh or the dense bottom land swamp thick with trees.

de la Houssaye's Whiteboy

                                          I could go on with the fault of each breed in the marshlands alone. 

                                      However, the Cur, it seems, was designed by God and given to the Cajun.

de la Houssaye's Bobalou

I've seen them pen Brahman's for six hours and never stop. 

Get gored and thrown ten feet high, climb trees to cross a creek or Bayou, (No BS) have broken legs, toes ripped off, ribs sticking out from barbed wire cuts, lips torn off from being hooked by a wild boar and still not stop.

                                     Be it ten inches of water, ten feet deep, or ten feet high, they will not quit.

In Cajun country, if a new Cur dog comes along and the rancher, cowhand or Vache Homme', (Francais) sees that he's "not cuttin da mustard," then, lets just say, he doesn't come back to the truck. 

                 A cattle man in Louisiana doesn't have time for "pet's" or mouth's to feed and play 'huggy-poo' with.  

                   Its about WORK, and work means money. So, you work, or you're gone! Same with his workmen...

There is an unexplainable magic to watching these dogs work. Almost as if watching a Gladiator within the arena.

Two Diamond's Cayenne Rose

 They have a sixth sense in a cow herd, almost a super power. And, when you see a gang of Cur's who grew up together, 

work as a team to pen-up a gaggle of swamp bulls, well, words can't describe it. To see an 85lb. dog make a 2000lb. wild, battle tested Brahman cry, is majestic beauty.

The Men who own these incredible dogs become known by reputation. 

They take so much pride in their lead dogs ability, that the Cowhand himself will risk life, limb and fortune to save that dog. 

"Doc" Huval
He will not eat until his dog has eaten. He will not rest, until that Cur is tended to or doctored. His Cur's are his lifeblood.

From the massive cattle ranches in Florida, to the coastal plains of South Texas, the Catahoula, Blackmouth and Leopard Cur, can be found.

Though I am not an owner of one anymore, I still cherish those days when the Cajun boys showed up to pen the bad ones.

de la Houssye's Valyrie

Those dead still, foggy Mississippi river mornings, 

you can hear the squeak of those axles on a stock trailer pull up, breaks squealing, horses in the back stomping that wooden trailer floor and Cur's in the front sniffing and whining, gets my blood pumping, any day of the week.

NALC reg. C Arrow Patch

This article is dedicated to "Couilion" (Coo-Yaw'n)
RIP ole boy.
Le plus.grand chien de vache jamis.
Stay Punchy, My Friends!